Minősítése: 1x ELITE; Beautiful Pony, Excellent of III. Powney Cup at Appearance cím; NICE, Nice Pony of Pony Appearance, 3rd on Pony Appearance; Best horse on Gallop&Appearance Race in Salyza Lk; 1st placed in Küllem-póni Category on Gallop&Appearance Race; Nice Mare on Pony Appearance; GOOD; Good ABC Appearance Horse; 3rd on ABC Appearance
Neve: Winter Flash
Neme: kanca
Kora: 4 év
Fajtája: haflingi
Tk. Neve: SzRSA Winter Flash
Tk. Száma: SA 555-888 WF
Szülők: Miss Lizzy x Gandalf
Nagyszülők: Lizzy x Jim Beam | Jessy x Báró
Utódjai: -
1. Hely: Gallop&Appearance Race | Küllem-póni | salyza.gp.hu
2. Hely: Pony & Foal Appearance | póni | shagyarab.gp.hu
2. Hely: III. Powney Cup | szemle | shagyarab.gp.hu
3. Hely: Pony Appearance | kanca | horsandel.gp.hu
3. Hely: Pony Appearance II. | kanca | horsandel.gp.hu
3. Hely: ABC Appearance | N-Z | horsandel.gp.hu
Edzésterv: -
Nice Pony on Pony Appearance
3rd on Pony Appearance
100.000 ft
Best horse on Gallop&Appearance Race in Salyza Lk.
1st placed in –kategória- Category on Gallop&Appearance Race
700.000 ft
Nice Stallion / Mare / Foal on Pony Appearance
50.000 ft
Good ABC Appearance Horse
3rd on ABC Appearance
50.000 ft