Minősítése: 2x ELITE, Legszebb póni, Beautiful Pony in Chiaro di Luna, Best Appearance Horse, 1st on Appearance for Only Appearance Horse Race, 2nd Placed Stallion in Rome, 2nd Placed Horse in Appearance Cup in Rome, NICE, Nice Pony on Pony Appearance, 3rd on Pony Appearance, Horse With Special Prize on The Competition Hawaiian-of Islands
Neve: Gold of Capri
Neme: mén
Kora: 5év
Fajtája: vesztfáliai
Tk. Neve: Gold of Capri
Tk. Száma: PN-06052190
Szülők: Capri Girl x Golden Highlight
Nagyszülők: ? x ? | ? x ?
Utódjai: -
7 db verseny
1. Hely: XVII Őszi Küllem | mén | ?.gp.hu
1. Hely: Opening Appearance | póni | chiaro-di-luna.gp.hu
1. Hely: Appearance for Only Appearance Horse | póni | horsandel.gp.hu
2. Hely: Appearance Cu in Rome | mén | dlvp.gp.hu
3. Hely: Pony Appearance | mén | horsandel.gp.hu
5. Hely: Kategóriás Küllem | egyéb | ?.gp.hu
Különdíj: Hawaii Szigeteki Gála | póniszemle | fariflend.gp.hu
Edzésterv: -
Most Beautiful Pony in Chiaro di Luna
100.000 cdl
Best Appearance Horse
1st on Appearance for only appearance horses race
400.000 ft
2nd Placed Stallion in Rome
2nd Placed Horse in Appearance Cup in Rome
30.000 Ft
Nice Pony on Pony Appearance
3rd on Pony Appearance
100.000 ft
Horse With Special Prize on The Competition Hawaiian-of Islands + 100.000lbp
